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DARPA Research Leads To Groundbreaking Discovery In Quantum Computing. DARPA Research Leads to Groundbreaking Discovery in Quantum Computing, Developing the World's First Logical Qubit Circuit - The Debrief

Harvard and DARPA create the first circuit with logical qubits, revolutionizing quantum computing possibilities.

DARPA Research Leads to Groundbreaking Discovery in Quantum Computing, Developing the World's First Logical Qubit Circuit - The Debrief

A team of Harvard scientists working on a project funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has announced a significant breakthrough in the field of quantum computing.

Researchers working with the Optimization with Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (ONISQ) program say they have created the world’s first quantum circuit using logical quantum bits (qubits). The innovation marks a significant stride towards fault-tolerant quantum computing, promising to revolutionize the design of quantum computer processors.


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