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Developing a new Lemmy mobile client!

After using Apollo for years, yesterday I decided to completely stop using Reddit for obvious reasons.

I found Lemmy to be a very competent alternative, but the only catch is the mobile situation: it seems that there aren't many good mobile clients for Lemmy.

So I decided to take matters into my own hands and develop a new mobile client for Lemmy.

After a couple hours, I have a good looking and working subscription feed; super glad to see that the API is easy to use :)

What do you think about the look of the app? Any suggestions?


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  • If I can scroll and lurk from a mobile device, I'm all in. Especially if it feels good on iOS. Add everything else later :)

    • Not to detract from OP’s achievement and work, but there already are mobile clients for both iOS and android. While you wait for OPs to become available you can check these out.

      Links in this comment because I’m lazy. 😊