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How do you grow your communities? Sharing experience


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  • My main Strategie is to Daily post, and for communitys where thats hard, having a good consistent scheduel st the least is always good.

    Also always Crosspost if possible. Crossposting was the main way how back in the day, I got my Faivourite reddit community from 1000 to 10000 Subscribers, and it still work pretty well here as well

    • Not all apps show crossposts yet, or don't do so prominently. And a post going big in one community, can cannibalize all the other cross-posts due to de-duplication, meaning only one post gets the lions share of votes.

      I've since changed my posting tool to actually make the various cross-posts at different times, instead of all at once.

      This works well with my communities as art isn't time sensitive, and it's also kind of an excuse to re-post something a couple times, so different people can see it.

      • Not all apps show crossposts yet, or don’t do so prominently. And a post going big in one community, can cannibalize all the other cross-posts due to de-duplication, meaning only one post gets the lions share of votes.

        Very good point

        • It might be interesting if upvoting crossposted content also upvoted the cross-posts, if their timestamps are close. Like 12 hours maybe.

          For now, better UIs around cross-posts will help.

          Working on this for Thunder.

          • Oh nice, I didn't know you were contributing to Thunder, that's cool!

            • Yeah, but haven't for a while. I was very active at the start, but got busy with life and other projects.

              One of which is another Lemmy related little thing: lemmytrixposter

              Also set up @[email protected]

              Hopefully getting into another stint of Thunder contributions now. I got dismiss read, the FAB, sidebars, and a bunch more stuff done last time.

      • I guess thats why Boost automatically attaches a "Crossposted from X" when crossposting, just to make sure

        • That's a behaviour inherited from the webUI.

          It doesn't actually do anything. I usually remove it because it's just redundant, and the link takes you off-instance 99% of the time. Also it only works in one direction. The proper cross post links appear on both/all three/or more posts.

          The webUI shows cross-posts as little links in the post info, and some clients do something similar.

          Photon handles it well, and Thunder has had basic support for a while. But I'm looking to make it very easy to hop between several posts by displaying some details about each one in a list, like votes, comment count, and post date.