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The ability to upload video clips that’s coming in Lemmy 0.2 will bring more activity to Lemmy

I noticed the new betas have the ability to upload video clips. I think this has been a huge missing feature that Reddit and other social media platforms have


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  • Oh god no, I hate videos. Hope there will be a killswitch in the settings.

    • I hate videos

      I disagree with you, but I think you are being unfairly downvoted.

      Hope there will be a killswitch in the settings.

      Giving users more control to filter the types of content they see is almost always a good feature.

      • With hating videos I mean low-effort spammy crap. It's a decent format to explain certain technical aspects, but nowadays for every one good video, there's 20 bad ones, and I'd rather not have my feed flooded with crap.

        If I want to watch stuff, I'll go to youtube or other platform. Lemmy is just a totally different use case for me, and I'd prefer to keep the two separated.

        Just like I can't understand how people are using Lemmy for porn, but I guess from the sheer amount posted, there must be an audience. So I just hope I can fully opt out.

    • I'm torn on video support, but it's your typical I'm going to use it right, but I don't trust the masses to. 😅

      I'd hate to see groups get filled up with posts that are nothing but a link to a video, but with me doing animal behavior and rehab, it can be hard to show some things with stills. Things like raptor hunting techniques and biomechanics need to be seen.

      I'm all for having it not auto play or any of that annoying stuff though.

      • Right, I can see the appeal for some special purposes, but to be honest, external links to videos did just fine so far - and makes it easy for those of us who can't be bothered to simply block and as external domains, and done.

        If videos make up the post itself, I can see my frontpage flooded with stuff I don't care to see.

        And just for the record, I don't hate videos per se, I just think it's opening up the platform for very low effort posts. If you're writing an article about a highly technical topic and then link a video to visualize it, great. But if there's just a headline and a video, I might as well not be bothered at all.

        • I suppose the low effort posts are the real problem. I didn't know if it's any better or worse if it's a picture or a video.

          Inserting the thumbnail automatically along with the link would suit me fine, rather than Lemmy doing anything native with the video.

          I dunno, you may have won me over on this!