I've fallen into the trap of giving Melbcat a treat any time I eat a peppermint or a cracker... she now tells me when it's time for a treat and is trying to get me to feed her the whole bag. I don't think I run this house anymore...
I have three cats. Every time I open the pantry or a crinkly packet I get at least one and sometimes it's a trifecta. It makes it easy to do a headcount too. Oh and the dog is trained too, and will often beat the cats to the bench.
It's their house,I just live here and refill the treat container.
@Eagle@Gibsonisafluffybutt Our babies are like that too. As soon as either my partner or I open the fridge, they're in the kitchen too.
Just the other day, one of our cats was sleeping outside on a chair on our balcony. And no lie, within seconds of that fridge door opening, he was at my feet.
He sprinted so fast that not even Usain Bolt could have beat him!
According to my dog every freezer bag contains deli meat, every packet contains pork crackle and every time a knife is used its because food is getting cut up for him. Oh and he has learnt the sound of cheese.
Our morning session is called the 'cold meat crew'. 🍖 members assemble at the kitchen bench while Dad makes his lunch and dispenses slivers of whatever meat is bestowing his sandwiches today. It's funny how well trained we are!