Don't quite know exactly how to pronounce SUSE? We've got you covered....Broadway musical style. Singer: Christian BusathSchool age boy: Liam TharpLyrics a...
I always thought those whoe said susa instead of soos are wrong.
The vacation one is a bad example because some people say vuhkation and some say vaykaytion. From the germans I know the E on the end is like uh, like how they say bitte, danke, etc
Is not up to SUSE's marketing department, most of which is from the US, either. The company has a German origin, had German founders (they're all out of the company at this point though), and the company name used to be a German acronym. The correct pronunciation is the German one.
(See the update @barbara added. Lisa Sherwell actually took the effort to learn the correct pronunciation. Part of the reason why is that she was actually involved in planning the new German office of SUSE.)