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Arch and Gentoo users reading about NixOS

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I might just be basic but the only annoying part of reinstalling for me is setting up my browser again.
17 0 ReplyAll hail Firefox Sync!🙌
28 1 ReplyI've used Firefox for over a decade but still wouldn't trust them to keep all my account info on their servers, Especially not nowadays.
I already started using KeypassXC to locally store my passwords, just importing bookmarks and add-ons I've left to do.
10 1 ReplyI think you can selfhost the sync server.
12 0 ReplyI only use Sync for extensions, history and bookmarks. I use an alternative pw manager for the same reason.
8 0 ReplyI use file syncing (Syncthing) and symlinks to keep configs for some apps synced between devices. I don't for Firefox, but it might work.
2 0 ReplyI'm still a newbie Linux user so haven't fully delved into Symlinks...besides bricking a VM trying it once when following a guide.
Can I for instance link a folder where emulators or offline games store save data on my main SSD and have it automatically copied to a folder on my large HDD?
3 0 ReplyIt doesn't copy data, no. Symlink is short for symbolic link. So it's a pointer to another location. But it might be useful for you. Taking a guess at your goal, here's a relevant example.
Say you moved all of your emulation stuff stored under /media/largehdd/retroarch. You could then symlink that directory to ~/.config/retroarch like so:
ln -s /media/largehdd/retroarch ~/.config/retroarch
That data is still stored on the large drive but will now also show under that symlinked directory.
6 0 ReplyYes you can, although this might be better done with rsync - and periodically runnind the syncing command.
But syncthing does basically the same thing plus you can sync between multiple devices on the same network.
I sync my laptop config with work pc this way.
Edit: typos, damn mobile
3 0 Reply
I should really start doing that, not sure why I've never thought of that
1 0 Reply
Mozilla are maybe the only company I'd trust with that
4 2 ReplyExactly. I've had 0 issues with it. Sadly they stopped development of their own password manager, so now I am using Bitwaren+Vaultwarden. The UI is better, but the app still feels cumbersome and slow, just like Mozilla's experiment. For some reason Bitwarden is also really inconsistent & slow in when it shows the Autofill Popup on my keyboard.
2 0 ReplyI didn't know they tried making their own password manager. I know that on my phone with Gboard I sometimes get an "unlock with Firefox" button in apps' login screens...
2 0 Reply
firefox sync misses half my settings
3 1 ReplyThen you didn't need them
4 1 Reply
it's all in
.12 0 ReplyTry this, friend
Tap for spoiler
{ config, pkgs, ... }: let lock-false = { Value = false; Status = "locked"; }; lock-true = { Value = true; Status = "locked"; }; in { /* ** ffextid ** Usage: `ffextid [install_url]` ** Description: simple script to find the extension id from an extension's manifest ** using the url found by right clicking the install add-on button and ** selecting "copy link" */ home.packages = with pkgs; [ (pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "ffextid" '' #!/usr/bin/env bash $(curl $1 > /tmp/ffext.xpi) 1> /dev/null $(unzip /tmp/ffext.xpi -d /tmp/ffext) 1> /dev/null # If ripgrep exists, use that. Otherwise default to grep if ! command -v rg &> /dev/null; then rg id /tmp/ffext/manifest.json else grep id /tmp/ffext/manifest.json fi rm -rf /tmp/ffext* '') ]; programs = { firefox = { enable = true; package = pkgs.wrapFirefox pkgs.firefox-unwrapped { extraPolicies = { DisableTelemetry = true; # add policies here... /* ---- EXTENSIONS ---- */ ExtensionSettings = { "*".installation_mode = "blocked"; # blocks all addons except the ones specified below /* Format: "[Manifest id]" = { installation_mode = "force_installed" # will install the extension for you! install_url = "[url]" # found by right clicking the install button on the add-on page }; */ # uBlock Origin: "[email protected]" = { installation_mode = "force_installed"; install_url = ""; }; # Privacy Badger: "jid1-MnnxcxisBPnSXQ@jetpack" = { install_url = ""; installation_mode = "force_installed"; }; # Bitwarden "{446900e4-71c2-419f-a6a7-df9c091e268b}" = { installation_mode = "force_installed"; install_url = ""; }; # XBrowserSync "{019b606a-6f61-4d01-af2a-cea528f606da}" = { installation_mode = "force_installed"; install_url = ""; }; # Decentraleyes "{jid1-BoFifL9Vbdl2zQ@jetpack}" = { installation_mode = "force_installed"; install_url = ""; }; # Clear URLs "{74145f27-f039-47ce-a470-a662b129930a}" = { installation_mode = "force_installed"; install_url = ""; }; #Dark Reader "[email protected]" = { installation_mode = "force_installed"; install_url = ""; }; # Cookie AutoDelete "[email protected]" = { installation_mode = "force_installed"; install_url = ""; }; # I don't care about cookies "jid1-KKzOGWgsW3Ao4Q@jetpack" = { installation_mode = "force_installed"; install_url = ""; }; # Youtube Sponsor Block "[email protected]" = { installation_mode = "force_installed"; install_url = ""; }; # add extensions here... /* "" = { installation_mode = "force_installed"; install_url = ""; }; */ }; /* ---- PREFERENCES ---- */ # Set preferences shared by all profiles. Preferences = { "browser.contentblocking.category" = { Value = "strict"; Status = "locked"; }; ### BOOLEANS "extensions.pocket.enabled" = lock-false; "extensions.screenshots.disabled" = lock-true; "privacy.donottrack.heater.enable" = lock-true; "" = lock-true; # add global preferences here... }; }; }; /* ---- PROFILES ---- */ # Switch profiles via about:profiles page. # For options that are available in Home-Manager see # profiles ={ sunstoned = { # choose a profile name; directory is /home/<user>/.mozilla/firefox/profile_0 id = 0; # 0 is the default profile; see also option "isDefault" name = "sunstoned"; # name as listed in about:profiles isDefault = true; # can be omitted; true if profile ID is 0 settings = { # specify profile-specific preferences here; check about:config for options "browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.feeds.section.highlights" = false; "browser.startup.homepage" = ""; "browser.newtabpage.pinned" = [{ title = "NixOS"; url = ""; }]; # add preferences for profile_0 here... }; }; # add profiles here... }; }; }; }
1 0 Reply