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Tag Team cards are my favorite to collect right now


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  • These are all pretty solid looking cards! At one point, I'd had my eye on the Sylveon and Gardevoir card as well as the Togepi, Cleffa, and Igglybuff one. But um... aftermarket says no lol

    What's the next Tag Team card you think you'd pick up?

    • I've been looking into getting the stained glass looking Moltres & Zapdos & Articuno, it's gone up too but thankfully still at an attainable price. They've gotten ridiculously expensive recently so I've had to stop collecting more for now... When I got them, the Togepi one was $25 and Gardevoir & Sylveon was still $90.

      • I thought the Togepi one was around that last I looked! Admittedly that was probably over a year ago, though lol
        And yeah, I didn't realize just how much these cards had gone up... I'd gotten the Lunala and Solgaleo card a couple years back for around $30 or so and seeing it now, pretty glad I was able to get it when I did...

        • Yeah I'm super glad I got what I did before they got unreasonable, but now I just wish I hadn't waited to get more. That Latios and Latias will be forever out of reach now 😔