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Australia will never elect a Donald Trump – and it’s due to one national trait[: our culture of not getting too big for your boots] Australia will never elect a Donald Trump – and it’s due to one national trait

When I was working on a cruise ship, a noticeboard poster said it all: “Please remember that Americans consider it acceptable to brag about their kids. Australians do not.”

Australia will never elect a Donald Trump – and it’s due to one national trait

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  • We elect "Donald Trumps" all the time.
    Clive Palmer.
    Craig Kelly.
    Barnaby Joyce.
    Bob Katter.
    Pauline Hanson.
    Jacqui Lambie.

    They only differ from Trump in degree, not in tactics.
    This "article" is a thought bubble, not even a fully fleshed out one.

    It isn't the crimes that Trump is accused of committing that are evil, it's the lieing, manipulating, etc that got him in position to do it.
    The shit that Palmer did to get elected were basically strong arming an entire electorate to support him.
    The shit that Hanson has done through funneling electoral funds through friendly advertising companies SHOULD be considered fraud.

    • Bob Katter and Jacqui Lambie don't belong anywhere near this list. Neither of them are remotely Trumpian. You and I might disagree with their philosophies, but there's no denying that they are completely genuine and they fight for what they believe their constituents really want.

      I'd argue Pauline Hanson kinda fits that description too, although it's certainly far less clear with her. But what's definitely true of Hanson and those other two is that they are focused on the issues, not on themselves. When you think of Pauline Hanson, the first thing you think is "racist", it's not "self-obsessed" or some other word like that, which would be the first thing about Trump.

      Craig Kelly and Barnaby Joyce I don't know quite as much about, but the general sense I get of them is more along the same lines. Bad political positions, bad people in their personal lives, but not focused on bigging themselves up like Trump is.

      Which leaves Palmer. Who definitely does fit that. But who, it's very notable, did not have a lot of electoral success. He got himself elected once, in one seat. His party has a single seat in the Senate, which no longer really even derives itself from Palmer who hasn't been strongly publicly involved in the party since long before that Senator won his election latest election. Palmer doesn't have the capacity to become a Trump because he doesn't have the capacity to win the widespread national success that would be necessary for that.

    • I'm surprised noone has mentioned Fraser Anning - he was going to mask off neo-Nazi rallies and when the Christchurch massacre happened he basically came out in Parliament and said "they deserve it".

      When he was censured, he doubled down in his last speech.

      Or the guy who outright says he's a "science skeptic".

      We're very literally banana republic and it shows often.