Sure, but what do his dumb tweets have to do with that?
Also, some of the allegations are very, very dumb.
"Sexual misconduct" because he moved a bit of her T-shirt on her shoulder as she was showing Neil her tattoo? Stupid.
Another saying Neil was making sexual advances to her after she went up to his apartment alone for a drink. You don't say??
From the apparent quotes, he was utterly polite about it all, he didn't throw himself at her.
I'm no NGT fan. My comment was a jab at his fanbase being similar to Elmo's. He's a pop-culture scientist, yet everyone acts like he's the stupidest Mensa member, when he doesn't even qualify.
Don't forget that if you ever do some heinous shit, everything you have done or ever will do is equally bad or worse. Your only ethical choice is to crawl under a porch and die.
Anyhow, there are a lot of Americans on here and that whole place seems to have a massive erection for purity.