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Daily Discussion Thread:🌞 Sun 18 Feb 2024

Enjoy the lovely weather today ☀


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  • Question?

    Are there screaming meth addicts in the middle class and posh suburbs too?

    • I presume there are screaming addicts in all suburbs. The posher the suburb the higher the likelihood they are screaming inside large properties where they are not as noticable. Possibly they are also more likely to get addicted to classier drugs with less adulteration, leading to a lower scream to addict ratio.

    • Is brunny considered posh? Come to the woolies on Albert Street and hear their mating calls hahahha

    • A lot fewer, but yeah I does happen. I am also noticing more rough sleepers, more camped vans, and general mental health distress ( not necessary meth heads but people not having a great time of it) round here.

      (Source: I live in a previously working class but now posh area. )

      • there are people living in tents in the Carlton Gardens

        • Yeah I have seen. And I can't see how it gets better - rents round here have gone from ok to bit pricy to utterly unbelievable in a couple of years (and this was always the affordable side of the city.)