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Daily Discussion Thread: 🤡 Tue 30 Jan 2024

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  • Work sent me home after having a spew in their toilet lol. Had an interesting convo with my DiDi driver: he's from Delhi, and his family owned a "massage" shop that they wanted him to run. Instead he moved here and is happy with his job, his girlfriend, and his life. He spoke about the main difference between India and Aus is that there is more freedom to do what you want to here. Made me feel quite lucky and humble to be born here, and not have a family like that. And I love that he is happy here.

    Anyway, I'm home now, dying on the couch slowly but surely lol

    • You are forbidden from dying. Cat disapproves, so behave yourself and get well.

      • Not dead, just had a nap. My own puss would be most upset if I passed away, so I think he is also grateful that I am still here to feed the lil dude.

        I hope my state of living pleases yourself and CatfishCat 🥰💜

    • Oh no, you're definately not in good sorts today.

      Please rest well and feel better.

      Are you experiencing any other symptoms?

      • Some other symptoms, due in for a blood test soon so hopefully that has some benign answers lol

        Thank you for your concern. Sending you good vibes, sir! 💜

        • I'd almost suggest doing a Rat if you have one around just to cross that off the list.

          How are you feeling now?