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Have you been working on anything interesting lately?

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  • I've been doing some metal casting which is super fun! I saved up aluminum cans and foil for a few months and have some ingots to work with now.

    • That seems like a lot of cans. Any plans on what do with your ingots?

      • I'm going to slowly build up my skills until I can follow a book on how to build your own metalworking lathe!

        • Building a lathe could be super fun. As someone who has built a few machines, I can tell you it will give you a unique perspective on how that machine operates.

          A metalworking lathe, though. I like the cut of your jib. That will be fun, and potentially extremely dangerous. Don't kill yourself, please. There is nothing more terrifying than a lot of mass with a fuck ton of momentum.

          • Thank you! Yeah, I'll be careful with it.

            The book I'm working off of is from a whole series called "Build your own machine shop from scrap". I opted to skip book one where you build a charcoal foundry, and opted to buy a propane one instead. Mainly so I don't make a ton of charcoal smoke that floats around the neighborhood.

        • Sounds like quite the undertaking. Good luck!