I can’t recall anyone being burned at the stake over religious reasons recently. Maybe you can point me to an an instance where it happened again since the early 1700’s?
I’m as atheist as it gets. I’m just not into hating on others because they believe differently or have different opinions or think others should live by my rules and codes.
I intended to make a joke, which I hoped would be evident from the triple exclamation marks. You calling it an attempt at a strawman and rejecting the joke on that basis is probably the closest to a strawman of the two.
It may not happen in the western world in the modern era, but blasphemy is still punishable by death in Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Brunei, and Mauritania. Apostasy is further punishable by death in Malaysia, Maldives, Qatar, Somalia, UAE, and Yemen.
Are you really incapable of understanding that the comment was broadly about people killed in the name of religion, and "burning at the stake" was synechdoche for a larger phenomenon? Or are you just playing dumb to be a troll?
No, you just completely failed to understand the comment and therefore the subject at hand.
If you don't understand that a specific example or phrase is frequently used as a stand-in for a broader subject, and you can't figure out what the subject is and therefore the meaning of the comment, then you are illiterate.
Sati (suttee), for example? Assuming "at the stake" means immolation for (culturo-)religious reasons rather than literally being tied to a pole and set alight.