Mine is OOO for Out Of Office. I always misread it in my head like a ghost and it takes me a few seconds to process. It also doesn't translate to speech—you have to say the whole thing.
Interested to see if others have similar acronyms they beef with.
NAMBLA. Those chuckle fucks at the North American Man/Boy Love Association really made it difficult for us members of the North American Marlon Brando Look-Alikes.
The North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) is a pedophilia and pederasty advocacy organization in the United States. It works to abolish age-of-consent laws criminalizing adult sexual involvement with minors[2][3] and campaigns for the release of men who have been jailed for sexual contacts with minors that did not involve what it considers coercion.
Yeah, that was about what I thought it was...
Same with the attempt to make people call pedophiles "MAP"s instead. (For those who haven't been made aware of the abbreviation; it is meant to stand for "Minor Attracted Person". While it's a more broad term than pedophile, since it includes the other age ranges (Something like hebephile and such, I don't remember them all, learned about it from a joke a comedian told), for normal conversations I think pedophile works fine for talking about everyone attracted to people below a certain age of which we (society) deem them capable of consenting to some things)