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πŸŽ„ - 2023 DAY 1 SOLUTIONS -πŸŽ„

Welcome everyone to the 2023 advent of code! Thank you all for stopping by and participating in it in whether youre new to the event or doing it again.

This is an unofficial community for the event as no official spot exists on lemmy but ill be running it as best I can with Sigmatics modding as well. Ill be running a solution megathread every day where you can share solutions with other participants to compare your answers and to see the things other people come up with

Day 1: Trebuchet?!

Megathread guidelines

  • Keep top level comments as only solutions, if you want to say something other than a solution put it in a new post. (replies to comments can be whatever)
  • Code block support is not fully rolled out yet but likely will be in the middle of the event. Try to share solutions as both code blocks and using something such as or pastebin (code blocks to future proof it for when 0.19 comes out and since code blocks currently function in some apps and some instances as well if they are running a 0.19 beta)


πŸ”’This post will be unlocked when there is a decent amount of submissions on the leaderboard to avoid cheating for top spots

πŸ”“ Edit: Post has been unlocked after 6 minutes


You're viewing a single thread.

  • This is my solution in Nim:

    import strutils, strformat
    const digitStrings = ["one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine"]
    ### Type definiton for a proc to extract a calibration function from a line
    type CalibrationExtracter = proc (line:string): int
    ## extract a calibration value by finding the first and last numerical digit, and concatenating them
    proc extractCalibration1(line:string): int =
      var first,last = -1
      for i, c in line:
        if c.isDigit:
          last = parseInt($c)
          if first == -1:
            first = last
      result = first * 10 + last
    ## extract a calibration value by finding the first and last numerical digit OR english lowercase word for a digit, and concatenating them
    proc extractCalibration2(line:string): int =
      var first,last = -1
      for i, c in line:
        if c.isDigit:
          last = parseInt($c)
          if first == -1:
            first = last
        else: #not a digit parse number words
          for dsi, ds in digitStrings:
            if i == line.find(ds, i):
              last = dsi+1
              if first == -1:
                first = last
              break #break out of digit strings
      result = first * 10 + last
    ### general purpose extraction proc, accepts an extraction function for specific line handling
    proc extract(fileName:string, extracter:CalibrationExtracter, verbose:bool): int =
      let lines = readFile(fileName).strip().splitLines();
      for lineIndex, line in lines:
        if line.len == 0:
        let value = extracter(line)
        result += value
        if verbose:
          echo &"Extracted {value} from line {lineIndex} {line}"
    ### public interface for puzzle part 1
    proc part1*(input:string, verbose:bool = false): int =
      result = input.extract(extractCalibration1, verbose);
    ### public interface for puzzle part 2
    proc part2*(input:string, verbose:bool = false): int =
      result = input.extract(extractCalibration2, verbose);
    • Oh hey, a fellow nim person. Have you joined the community?

      Here's mine. Kbin doesn't even support code blocks, so using topaz:

      • Have you joined the community?

        I have now, thanks for the tip!

        And that's some very compact code! I've only just started with nim, so seeing more nim solutions is a great way to learn 😁

        • I'm not doing anything too fancy here, just the first stuff that comes to mind and gets the job done. The filterIt template was pretty handy for part 1, though. I assume at some point in these puzzles I'll have to actually write some types and procedures instead of just using nested loops for everything.

          I think it's a pretty cool language overall. I've only used it for one project so far, so there's a bunch that I still don't know. Haven't been able to wrap my head around how macros work, for example, though I've sort of figured out how to write really basic templates.

          • I looked into the iterators and they are really handy, they remind me of C#'s Linq syntax.

      • Hi there! Looks like you linked to a Lemmy community using a URL instead of its name, which doesn't work well for people on different instances. Try fixing it like this: [email protected]