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  • It's crazy to think about how much #loneliness can deal damage to a person...can you believe that #smoking one pack per day is as deadly? And it's somehow so easy to take time away from #friends without necessarily even think about or notice the consequences!
    Humans are #social animals. Take social away and get #depression.

    Reach out to someone today! Or try out a (new) #hobby that lets you meet new peeps!
    Also professional help is not a bad idea, if you feel stumped enough!


    What experiences do you have about loneliness?

    • To me this has always seemed like a surface-level PSA. Like the people it helps probably don't have too many issues and just need a small boost.

      Most people are aware that social need is a thing, that therapy exists etc, but there are other factors like cost/transportation/scheduling/energy/housing and space etc that may be dragging them down without an easy remedy. Even just living in an area with lower population density (and thus less locations) is going to have a lot less social opportunity. (...well, on-paper. I don't know how well talking to random people would actually be for making connections)

      Not to mention additional friction/effects from mental/personality disorders. Or health in general.

      • What's PSA?

        True. But you can always think and try coming up with options to fight loneliness!
        Some choices can require much less bothering than some!


        Some ideas:

        #Mental difficulties are another story.
        There are some Internet #services that provide help to them though (I doubt they completely cure said difficulties but a small help is always better than none!).

        • What's PSA?

          Public Service Announcement.

          And for the other stuff, having no car and being at least 10 miles from most things (and having slower internet) is possible. Or just... not wanting to do those things because you don't feel up to it, have had bad experiences, or just are not interested in the available options etc.

          Well that and I didn't say it (other than pointing out awareness isn't the issue) but it's very likely most people are already trying something to change their situation even if it's just thinking about/searching for something else but that doesn't mean it will pan out. But again it may depend a lot on their situation, which may change. (either way, I doubt someone out there is saying "thank you for reminding me that other people do exist!")

          I think the statistics on loneliness should make that clear, it's not like the only factor is that people are forgetting socialization exists (with everything else the same). See also Bowling Alone, the factors of which I do not believe are entirely caused (directly) by the internet. Particularly when social options (fun activities) are expensive (even just driving to them, but there is also greedy pricing especially captive-market situations) and thus staying home is the cheapest option. Also stagnant wages (and other employment problems), plus if you don't have friends or other connections (work, school etc) it's going to be more difficult to get connected (esp. with a higher age).

    • I lean towards the #extrovert type. It's relatively easy for me to reach out to people and not get that lonely that often.

      COVID time was the toughest for me, to stay alone by force. In two occasions I felt like losing it!