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Lemmy doesn't provide any analytics. Give this post a like and/or comment if you use this instance. I'm trying to gauge usage by humans.

I'll let this census run for about a week to gauge usage.

Results might cause different changes to the services.

I'm doing this because the cost of running this instance is higher than most other instances due to reliability and disaster recovery implementations. I'm curious if I should back down many of these costs if we're not used fully. I don't see much activity directly in this instance.

I know that wasn't listed on for about a month due to a bug with the Lemmy crawler. They just recently fixed it with their redesign. We are now listed but no longer featured.

tl;dr; is this instance dying? Let me know if you're here.


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  • I am here, too. Unfortunately I still have problems w/ Voyager app (can't upvote, don't get notifications and such) - my favourite way to use Lemmy... But I love it here anyway. :)

    • I know, the app problems are super annoying. I wish Lemmy would just release 0.19 rather than sitting on it like this. They’re giving app developers two months to update and only a handful have done it.

      • I understand that a few apps are waiting on 0.19 imminent release before updating. (Incidentally Voyager should work fine even with the latest RC but because of the way authentication works on 0.19 the native app is best rather than the PWA (a PWA can’t technically support both <0.19 and 0.19))

        The other app issue is that several are essentially no longer being developed or at least very slowly developed eg Liftoff! Which hasn’t seen a commit in over three months

        Adding in various instance issues with lone or missing admins and servers going offline, it’s a wonder Lemmy is still around.

        • They should just pull their apps from the store if they are going to abandon them. I know APIs aren't supposed to change like this but it is rediculous to just leave an app up that won't work. It also makes the fediverse seem more shabby.

          • I agree completely, it seems that several are essentially abandoned, a couple seem to have been spur of the moment spare time projects that they no longer have much time for and one is being rewritten so they aren’t updating the existing app.

            • That would make a lot of sense. Which one is being rewritten, that seems extreme.

              • Memmy as the devs said they didn’t understand the programming environment when they made the original version.

                • That's interesting. They've been keeping up with development. I don't have any issues with their app. I'm shocked they're starting over but they know better than I about the quality of their code.

          • Hey! Just wanted to say: It works again! Yay!