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I've unfortunately made this mistake at Costco of all places.


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  • Protip: Just take a box from a shelf. They give them away anyway.

    But the better tip is to always take a cart at Costco. And never expect to spend less than $100.

    • Unless I know I need a lot of stuff from Costco, I never grab a cart. It forces me to make significantly fewer impulse purchases.

      • Reasonable strategy.

        Mine is to carefully consider the need for "extras". But because prices are better and returns are easy I lean more towards purchasing than not. I am less inclined to purchase at other stores where prices are higher and returns nor complicated.

        • I've bought too many useless things that I never got around to returning to rely on my willingness to make a second trip for returns, haha!

          • I buy most of my groceries and gas there so I'm there at least weekly so returns are easy for me...when I remember to bring them with me.

    • imma just grab a chicken