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Get out and vote!


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  • Voting is like paying taxes: It sucks, you don’t get anything you want, but not voting leads to problems.

    I mainly vote to prove it doesn’t help and I haven’t been proven wrong since 2000

    • It might not look like it helped but who knows what would have happened if you and several others didn't go.

    • If you're someone who is living paycheck-to-paycheck, you're only voting for one party, because no matter who you elect the end result is still low wages and severely high cost of living.

      • Yep. We'll still have a shitty health care system, a shitty education system, a shitty transportation system, a shitty housing system, a shitty food system, a shitty economic system, and a shitty diplomatic system.

        But goddamn do we have a lot of guns so we've got that going for us.