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Daily Discussion Thread: Sat 28 Oct 2023

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  • I haven’t felt this bad in ages. Feels like a really bad cold with a mix of other symptoms involved.

    What I would give for some fuzzy drinks right now.

    • It's a bit rough isn't it? I just made gyozas because they were going viral today and I think they were pork. I even drank the soy sauce. I've still got a bit of taste left. Anyway it does get better and I hope you start to feel better soon too.

      • I still retain my sense of smell of taste thankfully but Jesus does my body ache and I’ve got the chills as well. Tummy not feeling too great at times so I’m not even sure if I have much of an appetite.

        I tried to clean up a little bit I felt off and a little dizzy after a bit.

        Hardest I’ve been hit by an illness in the last 4 or 5 years.

        Gyozas sounds delicious, I made roasted chicken wings.

    • It sucks, no denying it. I had four days of hell, myself. Do not recommend.

      You'll get through it. But yeah, you're in the bad patch. Sorry about that.

      • At least I get a decent length off from work. 15 years of sick leave almost untouched.

        I just want to eat lollies and drink sweet drinks right now