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Greg Gutfeld Calls For Civil War Because ‘Elections Don’t Work’ in Bizarre Rant Greg Gutfeld Calls For Civil War Because ‘Elections Don’t Work’ in Bizarre Rant

Fox News host Greg Gutfeld argued that "elections don't work" and called for a second civil war during a fiery rant on The Five, Thursday.

Greg Gutfeld Calls For Civil War Because ‘Elections Don’t Work’ in Bizarre Rant

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  • He's right in a way. Elections don't work to elect the far right candidates that the Republicans keep putting forward. The problem doesn't lie with elections, though. If Republicans regained their sanity and went with candidates that moderate Republicans and independents could support, they would win more elections.

    Of course, that's crazy talk. Instead, they will move even further right and advocate for getting rid of democracy to make things "more fair" for them.

    • Except the ‘elections’ DO ‘work’ where they have gerrymandered the shit out of places. And look, they have a majority in the Senate where they can rat-fuck anything that has a whisper of equality, justice, fairness, or PROGRESS towards a nicer, better world.

      And why?!?!?

      Because not only are home-grown fascists supporting them, but LOTS of dark money from Russia and China are pumping up their campaign finances and social media effluent.

      • LOTS of dark money from Russia and China are pumping up their campaign finances and social media effluent.

        This is the biggest driver IMO, as these far right dipshits are all chasing social media engagement and then wonder why they're electoral prospects suffer anywhere they don't have a finger on the scales.

      • Gerrymandering definitely helps them, but there are limits to this tool. If Republicans gerrymander an area and there's a blue wave, they might not be able to stop it. This upsets the Republicans because they think they've rigged this race and how dare the voters defy what should have happened.

        The Boomers are slowly dying out and, with them, a large part of the Republican base. (Boomers are about a third Republican, a third Democrat, and a third Independent.).

        My generation, GenX, tends to be about 44% Democrat, 30% Republican, and 27% Independent. That's a loss for Republicans, but one they could gerrymander past.

        Millennials are 52% Democrat, 27% Independent, and 21% Republican. GenZ is 52% Democrat, 31% Independent, and 17% Republican. As these two generations take over, not even the most aggressive gerrymandering will help.

        Republicans are facing a potential collapse of public support in all but the deepest red areas. This is why they are looking for non-democracy solutions like "state legislatures can override the elections if the voters decide wrong" or even outright "get rid of democracy and install a (Republican) king."

        A healthy political party, facing obsolescence, would change their platform to attract more voters. Perhaps a "theoretical healthy Republican party" could drop the "LGBTQ folks are evil" stuff as well as the "overthrow elections" garbage. They could stick to fiscal conservatism and might make headway that way. Unfortunately, the real Republican party believes that if the voters won't support the Republicans' views, then it's the voters that need to go.

        (And, yes, foreign dark money factors into this to a large extent. It amplifies their party and keeps them around long after they should have died off.)