While we’re all bitching about this, is there anything I can do as someone with astigmatism to make driving at night less dangerous besides buying a higher car? I like my small car but it’s beginning to feel like a legitimate safety problem when I drive at night.
They make glasses lenses and contact specific for astigmatism. I've got the same problem and have been looking into it. I have found that polarized clear lenses on a non prescription pair of glasses is somewhat helpful.
It's blowing my mind that you guys don't get the polarized lenses by default. Your glasses are going to be expensive but so is getting put in traction because you got blinded by an asshole with a micropenis.
Kind reminder to please stop denigrating people for factors outside of their control, such as skin color, sexual orientation or size of their genitals.
An antisocial asshole is a problem because of what they do, not the size of their penis.
What does the height of your car have to do with it? I have astigmatism and lights can be annoying sometimes but I drive a Civic and never really felt like it was a safety issue.
Headlights shining directly into the windshield. Vehicles overall are getting taller so more often than not now if you drive a shorter vehicle the headlights will be shining directly into your eyes. Not saying getting a taller vehicle is the solution but I'm pretty sure that's what OP was getting at.