it's much more efficient than auto1111 that's for sure....i have 8 it/s on auto1111 and around 12 on comfy. But i have to learn the tricks first^^ my workflow is super basic as of right now
optional negative embeddings (positive embeddings not yet implemented)
The prompt goes with the selected options into 3 models who generate 3 images. Every image variant per model can have its own parameters like sampler or steps.
Do you combine those three images after that or do you simply produce three seperate images with each run then? also afaik positive embeddings are implemented already.
Which then go into the detailer and upscale pipeline (optional).
Embeddings: I use a embedding picker node which appends the embedding to the prompt as I am to lazy to look up the embedding filenames. I just pick them from a list. You can stack the node and add multiple embeddings this way without the embedding:[name] hassle.
so it wouldn't look that complex if you only did one image, right? :-D
Do you know if any extension exist that allows me to have a "gallery" for Lora, Hypernetworks and embedding just like a1111 does? I really really like that i could have example images to show me what a specific lora or whatever will do with the style...i really miss that in comfyui
A) correct but I like to get multiple variants and then to proceed with the seed / model / sampler which gives the best results
B) you could create a gallery of your embeddings by your self with an x/y workflow from the efficiency nodes. I will look into it and send you an update in this thread
i mean i already have all the images... it's just that in a1111 i can click on the image and it will automatically use whatever i clicked on. Here i would have to manually look up the corresponding filename and use that then.
It works it's just not as quick and...well automatically^^
Would be a cool node, but unfortunately my programming skils are not good enough to realize something like this. A workaround would be a cheatsheet like this. And you could skip the typing with the embedding picker.
I strongly suggest that you install the custom node comfy ui manager . You can download custom nodes via an interface and also update and mange them. Very useful.