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Daily Discussion Thread: Sun 03 Sep 2023

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  • I’m depressed and sad. The bad news never end, i think that life hates me and it’s finally put the final nail in the coffin.

    I want to restart my life, I don’t see a good end to this one.

    • Tell us more, what do you mean?

      • I’m just so sick of everything and sacrificing everything and living week to week and now it’s at the point of no return for me.

        I may be evicted by the end of the year and I’m up shit creek. I’m stressed beyond belief and can’t even control my eczema either.

        I shouldn’t be in this position and it shits me that I have to endure this.

        • That sounds awful, it definitely makes sense that you're feeling more than a little over it.

          Have you been able to get a hold of someone you know IRL to let them know that you've been feeling particularly crappy tonight?

          • I have, it’s just problems with more problems compounded.

            Nothing can be done.