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Anon has places he needs to be


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  • i won’t stop anyone from shitting on crypto, but i do hope the “haha anon lost all his shitty crypto ‘’’investment’’’” memes are understood to be memes above all else.

    Bitcoin’s sitting at $25000. that’s up a bit from before the pandemic, 3x the March 2020 low (when everything crashed), and half its all time high. same story with the second most used cryptocurrency. sure, that’s bumpy, but nobody literally goes from millionaire to McDonalds for parking their $ in the things you or i are likely to have heard of before. it’s the person who hears some random crypto name on Twitter (or from Elen Musk) and YOLOs in on some thing which didn’t exist a year ago specifically because they’re trying to catch a hype wave.

    idk maybe everyone knows that. i just get annoyed every time a “crypto crash” story breaks the mainstream news and i check the price and it’s like “none of the names i actually recognize here are doing worse than the last time you ran an article about them”.