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‘TRUMP WON!’ Proud Boy Who Told Judge He Was ‘Changed Man’ Raises Fist and Shouts MAGA Slogan On Way to 10-Year Prison Sentence ‘TRUMP WON!’ Proud Boy Who Told Judge He Was ‘Changed Man’ Raises Fist and Shouts MAGA Slogan On Way to 10-Year Prison Sentence

The Proud Boy sentenced on Friday reverted to true colors as he was being led away to prison, despite having claimed he was a changed man.

‘TRUMP WON!’ Proud Boy Who Told Judge He Was ‘Changed Man’ Raises Fist and Shouts MAGA Slogan On Way to 10-Year Prison Sentence

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  • Could you fucking imagine going to prison for a decade because of that orange sack of shit? Treating politics as a religion is a complete mystery to me. Kinda like religion itself, but that's another rathole.

    • No I can't but they can.. they have been trained to fall down for him the way they would for ' jesus'.. it's actually very scary.. I grew up Christian.. one thing they taught us, was to be prepared to be imprisoned or killed of Jesus, for our faith... But to wear it like a badge for the reward in heaven... They took the teaching and applied it to trump, their antichrist and that why you see people so desperately clinging to him.. they literally do think he is a Jesus of sorts, and they are more than willing to die for him and got to prison... If given the chance they will burn the down for dominance and obedience... very scary things..

      • It's crazy to me that, if you believed in that kind of thing, Trump being the antichrist seems obvious.

        • Since I was sadly raised in it and I know how they think, I think it was rather easy for them to fall for it, because they are desperate for some physical /verbal guidance after not hearing God talk to them like he did to Moses in their heads... I am glad I am not a Christian now, but being a naive kid growing up in faith cause my family forced me,, wasn't my fault.. I just know how they think because of it...

          What I find the most insane part of this, is that the bible DID say that it's own followers of Christ would turn away for an antichrist.. even Jesus told them they would.. many 'christian' people claimed to never let that happen. That they would never commit blasphemy.. that they love Jesus too much. WELL we ALL watched these lies fall apart on real time and then we all saw them do what they said they would never do, praise a false god.. (false by their own teachings and claims)

          The current stance of the GOP Christians today actually has nothing to do with what the Bible really said, and all the more to do with the mental illness and unchecked bafooneray these people are doing in my opinion