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WIP Wednesday

Whatcha working on?


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  • I also couldn't take a photo yesterday because I was full of cold and feeling very sorry for myself. But I think everyone's seen enough photos of my WIP blue/green lace socks by now that you can just imagine it. Most of the way through the foot of the second sock now, which makes it sound like they're very nearly done until I mention that they're toe-up lol.

    @[email protected] the scarf is amazing! Have some internet motivation! *waving my hands around in the direction of the laptop screen*

    You can do it, I believe!

    • Lol wow. As much as I'd like to take credit for the knitting skills, @[email protected] is not my account. I didn't realize we had another QTpi on this server, cool.

      Also nice to see you on Lemmy, thanks for the stickers!

      • Haha, I swear I double checked I was picking the right name from the dropdown and everything. Can I blame having a cold please? It has slowed down my brain somewhat 😂