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I'm having trouble updating my avatar

Was trying to update my avatar and now it is gone, and when I try to re-upload, it gives me a javascript error in the bottom left corner. Not sure if it is just me or a more widespread issue. (Browser: Edge)


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  • As far as I can tell, it's not just an issue with profile pictures and banners, it's an issue with all image uploads. I've tried a few different times to upload an image as part of a post, and I get:

    SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data

    Seems to be the same on both Firefox and the Jerboa client (although Jerboa doesn't show the text of the error, it just silently fails).

    So if this isn't a high-priority issue, maybe it should be. Unless other folks are able to upload images as a part of posts and comments?

    • I had some image uploads work last night. And avatar.

      Prior to that, I had json errors. Prior to that, I uploaded fine.

      • Hmm... anyone know if this is just Beehaw, or an issue on other instances as well?

        • not sure; for what it's worth we are investigating this, it's just kind of on the backburner for now since we have a lot going on. hoping to get to it no later than Monday

          • (if it's a more significant issue than it appears, we'll also try to get to it sooner fyi--just we only have so much we can do at one time and priority is going to go to "keeping the website up/moderated/safe at all")

            • keeping the website up/moderated/safe at all

              Definitely the top priority! If there's anything I might be able to help with feel free to ask! (I'm also on the discord now with the same name, if that's an easier way to coordinate.)

          • Cool thanks, I saw y'all mention this in the Discord too. Hopefully we can get some helpful info in this thread

        • I'm not seeing a lot of images in threads so it's hard to know but they are out there (will have to check where they are hosted). Hopefully another instance user can jump in here with a pic.