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  • People like this can't be talked with, since they missed their lessons about what DNA even is.

    • Yeah this is a hard thing to broach on people because the whole DNA, how it is transcribed into mRNA, how that's dealt with inside the ribosomes with tRNA, and so forth. That's a good month worth of ninth grade science. That's a month's worth of Monday through Friday, one hour each day, for one month.

      And even then, there's a bit of background that works into all of that. Like the various organelles and what their purpose is inside the cells. The various parts of the human immune system and how they work together to fight infections. So there's a lot of people who have a very flawed understanding of ninth grade science and you cannot just simply overcome that lack of knowledge in a single conversation. It's not a single conversation kind of knowledge, it's something that a good part of one's secondary education is devoted to and if you missed it then, it's really hard to go back and regain it.

      The wild ramblings that sprung from this pandemic really shows that the education system has failed a lot of people. The why it has failed so spectacularly is a much, much bigger conversation. But all of this craziness that has been created in the wake of the pandemic is a complete failure of very basic science. And I think it's a sobering moment for all of us to soak in.