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Lemmy fix it

Alt text: Spongebob screaming "I fucking love right to repair. I want to fucking excercise my legal right to maintain my property to reduce electronic waste and save money instead of supporting planned obsolescence in the technology space" with an iFixit knife and smartphone in his hands.


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  • Repairing your old phone won't make it any less insecure. The baseband firmware is a gaping security hole in basically all smartphones, and the only phone I know of that mitigates it is the eye-wateringly expensive Librem 5. It's a very sad state of affairs.

    • The baseband firmware isn't very secure I agree, but there's a lot you can do to the application processor OS to make it more secure and more private without tinkering with the modem side. Stock Android installations are bloatware and spyware heaven. Just putting a de-Googled AOSP based ROM on your phone does wonders for mitigating "telemetry" and going for a proper Linux OS like postmarketOS allows for full disk encryption too. Is this going to prevent your telco from spying on your GPS location? No, but it's a huge step in the right direction.

      I daily drive a PinePhone Pro and it's pretty much the closest you can get to a secure/private smartphone. The modem being a separate module is a huge step in the right direction here as it reduces the attack surface that the modem can perform on your data, not having access at all to the RAM, camera, microphone (IIRC gets routed to modem only when in a call, determined solely by the application processor). Unfortunately the modem is also the GPS source so it doesn't protect against that. The PinePhone modem also has open source firmware but it only runs on the application processor of the modem module, not the actual DSP.

      My reasons for going with Linux phone are more to do with the fact that I want a pocket Linux PC for doing development stuff on though and less about the security aspect. I don't run FDE but I like knowing it is an option.