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Daily Discussion Thread: Thu 27 Jul 2023

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  • I found a really good way to think of fat/weight control.

    Everyday there are three possible outcomes. We get fatter, we stay the same, we get thinner. Mark each day on the calendar. The trick is to slowly move from "get fatter" to "stay the same", then from "stay the same" to "get thinner". Then it's stay the same thereafter.

    It probably means No Junkfood. Diet. Stay on diet.

    • Look, I'll be brutally honest. If you have excess fat, it will scream at you to feed it. You need to simply not listen to it. Skip the rice with dinner. Just have fruit and yoghurt for breakfast. Don't eat until you're full. Stay active, do aerobics. It will get pretty bad after a week or so, but once you start to starve the fat off, you can start noticeably losing fat every day.

      • I lost ~30kgs (went from 100kgs to hovering around 70kgs) because I got poor, couldn't afford takeaway, and had to start living super frugal. Starved the fat right off. I don't have a car, so I forced myself to walk around for good deals, markets, etc. It does get easier, but the first few weeks of reducing food intake was pretty brutal.

        I look good now tho (i think 😬😬😬) so win-win haha

        I am sad I went down a bra size or two, bc I liked my titties, but now I can walk around without a bra, so again, win-win lol

        • I have gone down two bra sizes the past 2 months and my clothes one size . I just gotta keep eating properly, having many more good food days than bad

          • It's a big confidence boost when you realise the clothes are now too big. I'm glad you are seeing results! Losing weight (fat) can be difficult; I hope you feel good and accomplished about it!! <3 <3 you ought to!

            • It doesn't help Melbourne is such a foodie city.

              ( when did that happen, when did people think about eating food more than personally playing sports )

            • also, many kudos on losing 30k, a lot of people would have just bought really cheap food that is unhealthy, it took skill and knowledge and determination to eat cheap and healthy 🤗