What distribution is most used in production environment
I've come across Red Hat allot lately and am wondering if I need to get studying. I'm an avid Ubuntu server user but don't want to get stuck only knowing one distro.
What is the way to go if i want to know as much as I can for use in real world situations.
I'm seeing a lot of very interesting answers but I'm wondering what you mean by "production environment".
Do you mean VFX Production? (English not my first language so if "production" is used in different industries, well, I didn't know).
I'm new to the industry and worked for small companies that don't use Linux. But my VFX peeps use Rocky, Mint, and Ubuntu ( stronger preference for Rocky in studios).
In IT in the US, "production" is commonly used to refer to systems that support actual business operations. In other words, it's as opposed to "development" or "testing" systems.