I built a stand up retro arcade machine a few years back with some spare parts and wood I had. I never finished making it look "pretty" but tye functionality was there.
Here's the thing, I kept it in the garage and because of that it wasn't in the most super convenient location. It barely got used. But it sure took up a lot of space. I was ready to take it apart but my interests have switched to building something else and with that change I'm using the cabinet as a monitor stand instead.
Honestly, after o built the arcade, that's when I just went with a cheapo mini retro console hooked up to the TV. It makes infinitely more sense since I'm in the living room so much of the time and everything is there. Hook up some wireless controllers to it and you're good to go. If you want the old school arcade style stick,yiu can buy those as well.
Don't let that stop you from trying again. The benefits of having all the old games you used to play within reach is worth trying with a better device. I recently bought a handheld device to see if having hundreds or even thoughts of games on the go is something I would use. Havent set up the device yet though.