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Do you work alone or in a team?

If you work alone did you ever think about working together with others and if so why aren't you doing so now?


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  • Currently working alone just because frankly I have a lot going on, my project is at the absolute beginning stages where even I don't really know what's going on, and I couldn't pull my weight in a team if I wanted to.

    Back in the day I had a dream of working alongside my husband, but we made our first ever game jam game and he immediately noped out of ever doing it again. Trying not to take it too personally, but he has crap taste in games anyway so might be for the best 😅

    • That is my justification as well. I'm always wondering if it's just me not wanting to commit to something too much.

      I tried that approach as well, only with good friends. Didn't work out either. It never really grabbed them and for a hobby it was too much work, which I understand.

      The game looks cute as heck btw. Congrats for having finished it!

      • Justification? How dare you, those are perfectly cromulent reasons! 😄

        Yeah it's a weird one because he has actually made his own game too, a conversion of "The Pit" to work with the Spectrum Next. So a certain type of gamedev is his thing, but gamedev with me not so much! I do think working as a team automatically puts more pressure on each other to keep up and put in equal amounts of work, whether it's partners like us, friends like you or honestly just a team in general. Which is why we all end up solo, we fear the pressure.

        (also thank you, we had no idea how to build a platformer at the start of the jam so it was a really fun experience!)

        • Interesting! But that's really the thing, sometimes game devs are just not compatible haha. Yea, I think that's the thing. If you're solo you don't need to constantly deliver and can work at your own pace without feeling guilty for not doing enough. (you're obviously still going to feel guilty for not doing enough, however much you do, from the pressure you put on yourself......)