The contagious, fatal illness in deer, elk and moose must be taken seriously, say experts as it takes hold in the US and reaches other countries. While it has not infected humans yet, the risk is growing
In a scattershot pattern that now extends from coast to coast, continental US states have been announcing new hotspots of chronic wasting disease (CWD).
The contagious and always-fatal neurodegenerative disorder infects the cervid family that includes deer, elk, moose and, in higher latitudes, reindeer. There is no vaccine or treatment.
So .. will the current administration allocate funds to research and find solutions, or just keep firing federal employees on the front line and blame immigrants?
Section. 2. (a) From the link above says that responsibilities of the DoE will be transferred to the states in a way that maintains the services Americans rely on.
I'm doubtful that they are going to do it in an organized fashion though.