How likely is the US government going to identify and arrest every online user who have disagreed with the current administration?
I'm wondering if I should just delete lemmy to stay under the radar. 🤔 (I'm a US Citizen currently residing in the US, and moving out of the country is not really an option)
I feel so conflicted on this. On one hand, this is kinda like giving in to authoritarianism, but on the other hand, dissenting is kinda dangerous. 😓
Gun rights are for everyone. Unironically everyone capable of responsibly owning a gun should. But you won't get magically good with one if you never train.
If you have a friend who already has guns ask to join them on the range to learn the basics. If not find a class to learn safe gun handling, then go to the range to practice and build skill. Guns are a serious and powerful tool, but like most serious and powerful tools when you use them safely you have a ton of fun too!
From there if you really want to be as effective as you can learning how to move and communicate well is the next step. And that can be practiced via video games, airsoft, hiking etc.
Only if people collectiely excercise that right by forming a militia, otherwise they'll just raid your houses individually one by one and take your guns.
Ironically, its less likely for people who aren't right-wing to have guns. Blue states, and especially Blue cities make it so difficult for people to get a gun due to all the permits you have to obtain from the police department, who would just find bs reasons to deny your permit because you know, pigs be pigs.
Still can't carry guns outside your hosue without a permit in Philadelphia. So you won't be able to defend yourself when you go about the city and some armed nazi mob start threatening you.
If you have a gun and they raid your hosue, they now have a legal right to kill you no matter what you do since you are now a threat with deadly force.
In a house? With cops raiding it? If you grabbed a gun to defend yourself odds are you would be killed. If it comes to that particular scenario, gun or not, your odds weren't that great to begin with
You're right. We should trust the police to protect us. After all, it's not like our police departments are filled with right-wingers who have a track record of regularly murdering innocent civilians or anything...
(Of course, I realise arguing with an American about guns is a fool's errand but sometime you've got to try.)
OK so hypothetically let's suppose a right-wing cop has decided to add you to his list of murdered innocent civilians, has parked his car on the boundary of your house and is walking towards you.
At what point exactly do you get your gun out and shoot first? Spell it out please, I'd really like to understand how this plays out.
Please include the response of his partner who is still in the car, what that partner radios back to base, and describe the multiple responses of those who will now respond to the reports of a cop-killer. Explain how you think the resulting siege will play out and describe exactly how you win this scenario (where "win" is defined in terms of you living and not going to jail).
Gee, that sounds like you're asking me to plan out a crime that someone could prosecute someone for in this day and age. I'll be sure to inform my local Democracy Officer or DOGE official about this conversation, as any upstanding freedom-loving citizen would.
Besides, I've already agreed with you. American cops are definitely trustworthy, and always uphold their duty to protect and serve the American people. Surely they would never harm the citizens they are hired to defend!
As if the deterrent effect is from the possibility of suicide by cop instead of, idk, a critical mass within a community of armed people. It's not like around 2019/20 we saw, firsthand, that when violence against cops increased their willingness to make frivolous stops decreased. But please, continue strawmanning this as some weird scenario where people are saying that suicide by cop will stop oppression.
No kidding. I mean, this is finally the moment that Madison predicted two centuries ago! A fascist has seized control over the government, and is illegally detaining people. Rise up my US gun-lovers! Rise against the dictators and claim control of your country from...
Oh wait, you're the ones who got him elected? Nevermind.