The complete ignorance of Europeans judging America while us Americans export all our brain rot to you guys. Always acting slightly superior as your neoliberalism continues to rot away your social safetynets and public programs. After all, next to Trump, you guys look normal.
If Europe becomes a world power right now it would be Nazi 2.0 but this time it would be a Holocaust on Arabs instead of Jews. You guys are following our same playbook right now. I don't know if you've noticed. If you aren't careful you'll spend all your time focusing on boycotting America while your own Oligarchs pick apart your countries for scraps just like ours are. Hell, in a lot of cases they're the same Oligarchs (Elon and AFD for example).
By all means. Fuck America. But this is a class struggle and will not be overcome by ignoring that. The trade wars are a direct attack on the working class as we pay the price. The people making these decisions will gladly let us all suffer as they consolidate their wealth even more.
Tarrifs are not a trade war between nations. They are a war on the working classes material conditions.
The only reply I've gotten among the downvotes. I don't disagree. My comment was trying to shake the average European into realizing that these issues are not unique to America. But I guess I was too aggro
You're not actually in good faith trying to engage others in discussion, you're just preaching (in a way dripping with conceit and delusions of superiority) a narrow and very reductive view of things riddled with wild unsupported assumptions and extrapolations (all pretty much fantasism) whilst assuming (as common amongst religious types and political tribalists) that yours is The One Truth.
That you then whine that people aren't replying to your masturbatory tirade is either quite an extreme level of blindness and lack of self-awareness, or just plain hypocrisy.
If you want to convince people I suggest you reason rather than indulge in preaching some fantasy.