Curious if anyone can weigh in on this - is there much benefit to having fluorinated drinking water if you brush twice a day with fluorinated toothpaste and rinse with flourinated mouthwash?
I distill all my drinking water, but it's to remove PFAS and all the other garbage we've polluted the earth with. Not because of flouride.
My understanding is the most benefit is to children whose teeth are still growing, then secondarily to adults who have substandard dental hygiene. An otherwise healthy adult with good dental care routines is the least impactful case.
Distilled water lacks even electrolytes like potassium and other minerals your body needs. So you may miss out on a bit of these micronutrients if you drink only the distilled stuff. Some studies have found a link between drinking water low in calcium and magnesium and tiredness, muscle cramps, weakness, and heart disease
That's been debunked - we get so few minerals from water for our diet that it's almost nothing anyway. Almost everything is from solid foods or non-water liquids.
People are going to be whining about cavities, in fact people who went flouride free toothpaste and complained they got cavities and blamed in on the effectiveness of the toothpaste
It's because critical thinking is a dead skill in this country.
We have essentially trained an entire generation to not rely on critical thinking skills anymore. And apparently in the process of graduating a second generation of the same.
It is the plot of Idiocracy. Where the people don't even understand the things that affect them on a day-to-day basis they just know that "it's what plants crave"