My workplace installed desk presence sensors and has a stupid little robot roomba thing that drives up and down the rows documenting who’s in their seats.
So obviously people at my work did this. They sent out an email warning us that abuse of organization property would be met with progressive discipline (like LWOP and dismissal)
I don’t know about that. Where I’m at, the job market is not great so people stay where I work (me included) because the option is here or find another industry. The colleague of mine who taped a piece of paper over the robots sensors got suspended 2 weeks without pay for it.
Right but at the end of the day: you kick it, you feel like you took a stand, your employer either outright fires you or gives you a week LWOP and then you have less money (either temporarily or permanently). Cost outweighs the benefit for most at my work.
Where I live there are no such protections. You find a job or way to make money or you fall behind on your bills which go into collections. The choice is between feeding your cat/dog/child, or standing up for what you know should be right.
More like makes false negatives and marked me 3 times this year (so far) as absent which required a total of 15 minutes in useless frantic Teams calls to verify my location to my manager across the country -_-