This war was forced into Russia due to the blocking and surrounding it with NATO bases clearly against it, and by trying to block and substitute its primary exports to EU.
The violent overthrow of the then democratic government in Ukraine, the arming, training, and directing a Neo-Nazi para-military unit to take over, after forcing half the political parties in being illegal, had nothing to do with Russia. If there is someone underinformed, confused, and lacking historical facts it is not me, and better change your arrogant tone if you seriously want to discuss something and not just throw propaganda mud.
Don't take me wrong, I hate Putin just as much as I hate Biden or Trump, don't misinterpret what I say
But between hating Trump and discriminating against you because you are from Nebraska is the difference between a racist and a non-racist ...
Something the linux-duo-Fins can not separate, hence their delirium with nationalist rhetoric and lack of historical understanding.