Is it though? The whole "contoured torso" design is quite detrimental to protection, you want it bulging outward in a wide arc. And you don't want your neck expossed like that, either. Though the person to the right of him with considerably less slutty armor has very similar design issues.
Oglaf is a work of smutty fiction. In their world, the level of protection a set of armor provides is directly correlated with how slutty it looks on the user :>
If you hit the outer part sure (though they'll dent and cave in very easily, which would quickly negate any advantage), but if you hit between the boobs you'll actually get more purchase than if you hit someone with a flat-chested armor.
to be fair we don't know how those boobs are made and they may not cave and be more resistant to denting given the extra room for reinforcement. I don't think the middle of the boobs will give more purchase really given the curves. It would still be sliding and not really hook in, unless you manage to dent first but we are talking deep into combat. So yeah once things get hard and deep it could be a problem.
The trouble is that hitting the inside of the bump gets deflected towards the chest, which you really don't want. Armor should be uniboob with a peak in the center deflecting outward.