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What is the broad strokes story of Digimon?

I remember having the toy, but I don't know what the broad plot is for Digimon.

like for Pokémon, there's a kid who wants to be the best and collect them all.

what's the Digimon story?

should I be reading the manga or watching the anime or what's like the canon storyline?


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  • Well, I can really only speak to a few of the anime shows. The main theme is usually:

    Bad Digimon are doing bad things. A rag tag group of kids, along with their Digimon partners, must put an end to the shenanigans with the power of friendship.

    There is continuity between Digimon Adventure 01 and 02. There have been a plethora of movies around this particular group of kids. It's great.

    The third series does a reset and everything is mostly stand alone from there. Some play a bit more fast and loose with things like digivolution tracks and whatnot, but the main themes are still there. Mostly they just want to bring peace to both the "real" and Digital worlds.