TIL that Chinese Pizza Hut removed all salad bars as patrons would exploit the one-bowl rule by constructing a massive salad tower. Many people created extremely complicated and articulate enginee...
Pizza Hut is to remove all self-service salad carts from its 440 restaurants in China. Up to now, customers were permitted just one trip to the salad cart, but these restrictions have led to ingenious Scooby snack-style stacking of CCTV Tower proportions. The chain, the first to introduce pizza to C...
Wow if only there was a way to like I dunno, limit the amount by weight or volume or something instead of just ending salad bars entirely due to that pesky self-imposed one bowl rule.
I'd still call that self service, just putting something there to discourage the behavior.
I'm thinking of this more like going to a self-serve frozen yogurt place. I know at the end it's by weight so I always get a more reasonable amount of soft serve and skip most of the overpriced toppings. If it was whatever I could fit in the cup, holy crap I'd be getting a small size cup and loading it up with as much as I could managed to.