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Is anyone planning on doing anything about trump creating a concentration camp at guantanamo bay?


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  • I don't genuinely think there is anything we can do without getting rid of our current government in its entirety. That or stuff I won't say online.

    Maybe an actually successful general strike?

    • I really love the idea of a general strike. Sadly, I'm somehow a minority.

      • It's a great idea, I agree. But people have to realize that a good 40% of the country thinks that holding undocumented immigrants in a military prison indefinitely is hella balls-to-the-fucking-wall awesome. These people are not interested in striking and most of the 60% left over are worried they'll get fired tomorrow if they don't show up to work.

      • Bruh, more than a third of your voting population didn't bother to vote. That was the best chance to avoid this shitshow. What makes you think they'll go on strike?