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And I used it as a verb not a noun. Please learn how english works
1 1 ReplyYou did not suggest it was slowing down or impeding in your usage. That's crap
2 0 ReplyIs any of the arguing useful to anything or just a negative wast of time and effort for both parties?
Also reading it make me feel retarded (noun)
1 0 ReplyI'm calling out ableism, if you're done with the convo, quit reply to me.
1 0 ReplyAnd Im calling out whatever you are, karen, ken? Feels good, give me that beautiful dopamine kick. No wonder why you do it!
1 0 ReplyCalling out bigotry and calling someone annoying (when you are being the bigot) are not the same.
2 0 ReplyAnd because a few loud idiots decided a word was bad the rest if the world has to suffer with karens and kens of the world.
Hilarious thing is i find this funny and I know youre pissed wic makes it even funnier
1 1 ReplyBigots gonna bigot 🫡
Keep replying "Karen"
2 0 ReplyKaren karen karen!
Oh shit I just fucked up....
1 1 ReplyThere ya go champ
2 0 ReplyTypical Karen, always has to get the last word in
1 1 Reply