But in this case, there’s clearly no reason not to punch up, because this person is not a victim.
I've given the reason multiple times. I will give it again. And I will say again that I know this from personal experience, but that doesn't seem to matter to anyone:
Someone on the edge sees a bunch of people mocking a suicide and thinks, "this is what it will be like when I'm gone, no one will give a shit except to laugh at me." And it drives them closer to the edge themselves. (They don't think, incidentally, "well that guy's a judge so they'll mock a judge, but they definitely wouldn't do the same with me even though I'm even more worthless and despicable than that judge.")
I very sincerely hope suicide will not be something you will have to deal with in your life.
They don’t think, incidentally, “well that guy’s a judge so they’ll mock a judge, but they definitely wouldn’t do the same with me even though I’m even more worthless and despicable than that judge.”
You see it as punching up. A person on the edge of suicide sees it as validation.
For the umpteenth time, I know this from personal fucking experience.
Jesus Christ, all these people essentially telling me "nuh-uh, I know more about how suicidal people think than you do, all you ever did was attempt suicide." For fuck's sake.
I can't help if people dont read what I write. All I can do is write clearly that I'm only celebrating when bad people at the top of hierarchies are ridding the world of their abuse.
You absolutely can help it if people suffering from suicidal thoughts can be affected by the things you say now that you know why it would affect them.