You would be surprised. When I am tolerant for a high dose I can vape 6 or 7 times a day which equates to around 3g of strong weed. And that would be every day. About 90g per month.
I assume that's somewhere where weed is legal and cheap (and vapes are available)
In my country, 90 grams of weed would cost you 1800 euros at street prices (though I suppose at 90 grams a month you're moving more than some low level dealers so maybe you get a discount). That's slightly above the median monthly salary of ~1600 euros.
i normally use a flower vape, it uses little refillable capsules that hold about .1 gram, so if i smoke ten times i know i have only smoked 1 gram, but yeah thats still a decent amount imo.
Weed can be very helpful for focus. Not necessarily very helpful for clear thinking, but it can be very good for getting started on something so that you can come back to it later when you're sober.
It’s also fantastic if you have trouble breaking out of a negative thought cycle. On stressful nights, weed is the only thing that gets my brain to finally STFU and sleep.
Doesn't always work that way for me, unfortunately. Weed often makes it impossible to avoid or ignore negative self-image problems that I'm usually constantly pushing down.