One potential disinformation technique that could be deployed today is; random scripted calls deployed on known compromised lines using AI voice technology simulating discussions between world leaders
Remember in, what was it, 2008 or something where the FBI or CIA, I can't remember, were intercepting calls between foreign leaders. You think that stopped?
Oh ok. No but I do follow you as I am sure there are plenty of calls being intercepted by our govt agencies. I guess I am trying to wrap my head around who would use AI voice technology for that purpose? Enemies within the country of the foreign leaders that hack into their specific phone lines?
My thought is they, government agencies, hackers, whoever, could spam these calls hopeing 1) to disrupt governments internally and 2) create distrust in actual communications that may get leaked.
Dudes just high but yeah this is totally possible today. Deepfake audio is pretty scary.
"Known compromised line" doesn't matter. Our "publish first, ask questions later" media doesn't care. Especially when literally everyone has their own portable printing press in their pocket. Who is "media" now? It's all of us. It's as much Lester Holt and Chuck Todd as it is your crazy uncle who isn't invited back to Thanksgiving since "The Obama Incident". No need for details. Every family has it.