What’s the catch? This is the best deal I can find on the internet by a fair margin. This seller has an amazon store page as well and seems to have a good reputation on both. The seller claims its a new HDD from a reputable brand and offers a 5 year sellers warranty.
Seems too good to be true, I bought 12 of them refurbished for around that price. EBay has the money back guaranteed, so if you are willing to try it with the chance with it, it could be a great deal. Your call though.
Probably a little late now, but make sure you use a service that works with the guarantee like a credit card. I don't think it works with PayPal but don't quote me on that.
Thanks for the response. I used PayPal for the purchase. I could still probably cancel the purchase for the next little bit if needed. I know its pretty easy to contest an order with PayPal as a last resort. Link to paypal’s dispute policy
I’m also posting this so that others looking for a deal on prime day can see it and the community can critically examine the listing. So it may be useful for others.